Birthdate: Winter
Birthplace: Unknown
Residence: Rhydin Orphanage
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 68
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Occupation: Child
Hobbies: Coloring, Playing with Toys, and Watching People
Personality: Quiet and shy, naive and very trusting.
animals: Kitten- Calypso
History: She was happy with her parents, and they were out for a walk one night when she lost them, quite literally. She cried for quite some time, and then when she couldn't cry any longer, she tried looking for them. She looked all over the path they were on, but they were nowhere to be found. She was picked up by the local authorities and tossed into the orphanage without further ado. And that is where she remains.