Age:  21
Birthdate:  Mid-Summer
Birthplace:  Rhydin
Residence:  London
Race:  Human
Sex:  Female
Height:  6'2"
Weight: 180
Hair:  Long & Brown
Eyes:  Aquamarine/Green
Occupation:  Warrior/Healer
Weapons:  Shotsword & Magic Longbow
Hobbies:  Singing, Magic & Riding
Personality:  Stubborn to a fault.  Generally happy but hot tempered when provoked.
Marks:  Red dragon tattoo
History:  Great-granddaughter of Guenivere of Camelot.  Second cousing to Morgan LeFay's grandaughter.  Her honor was questioned one day when a family jewel went missing and was found in her bedchamber.  She was convinced that her second cousin, the mean-spirited Valeria, had placed it there.  Rather than try to explain this to her family, she left Cornwall where she lived and traveled to Rhydin with two small dragon companions:  Zeus and Rosie and her Unicorn friend Nyssa.

