Age:  25
Birthdate:  March 8
Birthplace:  Cleveland, OH
Residence:  Chicago, IL
Race:  Swedish decent
Sex:  Male
Height:  5'11"
Weight:  175
Hair:  Dark blond
Eyes:  Blue
Occupation:  Corporate Accountant
Toys:  '04 Chevrolet S10 (champagne)
Hobbies:  Clubbing, Driving and Golfing
Personality:  Driven, smart and goofy.  He loves to laugh and have a good time.  Gets into trouble a lot, but never at work.
Animals:  Cat-Bruiser
Family:  Mother in Cleveland
History:  He's the youngest corporate accountaint at the Carver Co.- makers of fine cigars.  He has always been driven when it comes to a career, but his social and romantic life have always lacked something.  Maybe it's because he works so much, but he never seems to be dating anyone.

