Age:  23
Birthdate:  Samhaine
Birthplace:  Sevenwaters
Residence:  Sevenwaters
Race:  Human
Sex:  Male
Height:  5'6"
Weight:  120
Hair:  Black and curly
Eyes:  Green
Occupation:  None
Weapons:  None
Hobbies:  Seer
Family:  6 brothers, father, step-mother & sister
Animals:  None- afraid of dogs
Personality:  Timid, bird-like in many ways, a little crazy
Marks:  One arm is a swans wing
History:  The brother of Sorcha- he was the last of the swans to reach her and he recieved the nfinished shirt, missing a sleeve.  The rest of his body was returned to normal.  One arm bears a great snowy wing.  It is by this that he lives neither in this world or the animal world.
