Age:  23
Birthdate:  November 3
Birthplace:  Nashville, TN
Residence:  Hollywood, CA
Race:  Danish
Sex:  Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight:  160
Hair:  Blondish brown
Eyes:  Brown
Occupation:  Model/Actress
Toys:  ZX3 Sport Coupe Mazda '05 (silver)
Hobbies:  Dancing, exercising/yoga/running, and fashion shows
Personality:  Happy and carefree.  Has everything she could ever want.
Marks:  Beauty mark on left cheek (lip)
Animals:  Poodle- Buster
Family:  Parents and older brother in TN
History:  Julia was a child star, a commercial kid with great potential.  Now she's an accomplished model and sometime actress.  And the only drawback is the paparazzi.  They never seem to leave her alone.

