Age: 22
Birthdate: February 2
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Residence: Orlando, FL
Race: Egyptian descent
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Confidence Man
Toys: Credit cards buy whateverhe wants (even though they're not his)
Hobbies: Womanizing, working out/running, and computer hacking
Personality: Congenial, kind, willing to help, but no one can tell if he's ever telling the truth
Animals: None
Family: Parents-divorced
Marks: None
History: He was a teenager torn between two loving parents, feeling loyal to both. He couldn't choose one or the other, so he chose neither. He ran away and existed only by conning his way though life. He conned wealthy women out of their money, promising them more wealth, more love in their lonely lives. He conned employers with references and resumes so impressive they had to be real. His aliases change almost daily. Even he has lost touch with who he really is.