Age : Exact age unknown, appears to be in her
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace:  Unknown
Residence:  Camelot/Ireland
Sex:  Female
Height:  6'5"
Weight:  199
Hair: Chestnut Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Occupation:  Mage
Weapons:  Staff
Hobbies:  Singing, Practicing Magic and Riding
Personality:  Soft spoken, motherly and kind (until she gets drunk, then she's loud and obnoxious)
Distinguishing Marks: Right Brow Piercing
Race: Godling, daughter of Macha, Goddess of War
Family:  Mother to: Julia, Cathal & Ayiana
            Daughter of:  Macha (the Morrigan)
            Sister to:  Ivar of Curacao, his wife Katie McDouglas, Naessa of Kedoa and Ibar of Kedoa, Sean McDouglas and Michaela McDouglas
            Niece:  Maggie McDouglas
            Ex-Husband:  Mica DuLake
            Uncle:  Karteriss apDrachi
Animals: Blaze (horse)
History:  Born the twin sister to a brother, Ivar.  Separated after thier mother died in childbirth.  Father went crazy and killed himself.  Raised by two spearate loving families until early adolesence.  Ivar was taught by a powerful magician who beat him and ridiculed him.  Mira was taught in a loving manner by a magician.  They were reunited in Camelot where their mother, a tri-goddess, also lived.  She fell in love and married Kahn Milak.  They had twins also, a boy and girl named Cathal and Julia.  Some time later, Kahn went on a journey for his master and never returned.  Thinking him dead, she remarried a former flame.  They had a daughter, Ayiana.  then a man named Ragnar enter her life.  Ragnar was Kahn reincarnated.  Her life with mica was shattered and she was reunited with the love of her life.  Her twins set out to find a life of their own, so she raises Ayiana with Kahn in England/Camelot and Ireland.

Kahn                                   Julia                               Cathal

Ayiana                                                Ivar

Macha (the Morrigan)