Age:  Unknown
Birthdate:  Unknown
Birthplace:  Hell
Residence:  Rhydin
Race:  Demon (Astarin)
Sex:  Male
Height:  6'3"
Weight:  210
Hair:  Black with blue streaks
Eyes:  Black
Occupation:  Demon
Weapons:  None
Hobbies:  Drinking, anything fun & pleasurable and giving pleasure
Personality:  Suave, silky voice and moves.  Rarely can anyone resist his charms and good looks.
Marks:  None
History:  Rosier was raised by his father, Asteroth, the first Astarin demon.  He grew up in a stolen body and lives out his days seeking and giving pleasure to those he comes in contact with.
Family:  All Astarin Demons
Animals:  None
