Age:  35
Birthdate:  October 19
Birthplace:  San Fernando Valley, CA
Residence:  San Fernando Valley, CA
Race:  Scottish
Sex:  Female
Height:  5'6"
Weight:  123
Hair:  Red
Eyes:  Green
Occupation:  Domestic Engineer
Toys:  Chrysler Minivan '99
Hobbies:  Playing with her children, girls night out, movies, reading, soccer mom and cooking
Personality:  Motherly and nurturing, broken and bruised from her divorce
Marks:  Beauty mark
Animals:  Dog- Max
Family:  Two children, boy and girl and Ex-husband
History:  She's a whiz in the kitchen.  She cooks all the time to feed her kids, but also to forget.  Her ex-husband chated, then left them high and dry.  She often finds that she blames herself, even if it wasn't her at all.

