Age:  22
Birthdate:  July 4
Birthplace:  Forests
Residence:  Forests
Race:  Human (Pict)
Sex:  Female
Height:  5'7"
Weight:  130
Hair:  Strawberry Blonde
Eyes:  Hazel
Occupation:  Warrior
Weapons:  Blowgun, Staff & Sword
Hobbies:  Tattooing, Hunting and Dancing
Family:  Merlyn- Father
Animals:  Denny- Monkey
Personality:  Wiley, cunning, flighty and intelligent.
Marks:  Several tattoos, especially on her face
History:  Born into a rogue band of Picts.  Father is the leader and she is a great warrior.  Each successful kill or battle won earns a tattoo.  Tattoos on the face are especially hard to earn and extremely painful--therefore deserving of great respect.  Separated from the band during a raid.  This band never stays in the same place twice and is extremely difficult to track.  Seh tries to track them down whenever she hears of a raid, but they are always gone when she gets there.

